Logelloop 6 course – beginner and advanced levels from 14 to 18 October 2024.

The course is aimed at musicians who want to launch effects, sound designers who want to create new sounds, sound engineers who want to use Logelloop to create or conduct shows, and music teachers who want to use the software for teaching purposes (applying effects in real time, being able to record and listen to yourself immediately, improvising with the machine, etc.).

Trainer : Philippe Ollivier, Logelloop developer, assisted by a musician, depending on the number of candidates.

Information and registration: This training course is designed in partnership with Longueur d’Ondes, with whom you can register. Find all the information here : www.longueur-ondes.fr/formations/logelloop-6

If you have any questions about transport, accommodation or artistic or technical issues relating to the software, please contact us at Logelloù 02 96 43 93 57 administration@logellou.com

Logelloop 6 training course – October 2024

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