Home Forums Logelloop (English spoken) Logelloop 3 forum

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  • #2105

    Logelloop 3 is released!
    So, you can use this new forum for every comments.
    Thank you,
    Philippe Ollivier

    Per BoysenPer Boysen

    Hello Phillipp et all – nice with the new forum! I downloaded LL3 but the disc image refuses to mount on my Mac. I’m running OS 10.9.3 on a 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7 13″ Mac Book Pro with 16 GB ram of 16000 MHz DDER3 speed.

    Per BoysenPer Boysen

    Oops, I fixed it. Sorry for the false alarm! What happened was that no graphic icon opened up in finder… but when I opened up a finder catalogue search path window I could see the disc image and drag the application file into my applications folder. Looking forward to check it out now.


    Hi Per,
    it seems that there is a little issue with the dmg on some machine. I will look at it for the next version. I am looking forward to read your impressions on Logelloop 3.

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