Home Forums Macros GranulaterreGrain, NextLoopDirect and UndoRecord

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  • #4163
    Olivier DepoixOlivedep

    Hi Philippe !

    There is a strange thing with the macro actions for define the grain size of Granulaterre. When i use GranulaterreGrain In 4000 Out 6000 to select a grain in a sample with a size of 8000ms, it select a grain of 1 ms. In take the good value (4000) but It seems like Out can’t go over 1000ms.
    Same result with GranulaterreGrainIn and GranulaterreGrainOut.

    I have another problem with NextLoopDirect : manually, it work fine, but with the keyboard (configured) and the macro action NextLoopDirect, it has no effect.

    Finally, i want to erase the loop B and after, the loop A with this macro :
    //****** Begin of the macro *****
    Sleep 20
    Sleep 20
    // ************End *************

    Each macro action work fine separately, but when they are chained in the macro, a new loop is recorded in B and A … It’s very strange !

    Good afternoon !



    Hi Olivier,

    1/ You are right, there is an issue in Logelloop 5, I made a mistake while making the possibility to select a track as a sample source for Granulaterre. I found it last week and it is fixed for the next release, sorry for the inconvenience.

    2/ Haha… I think you just won the prize for finding the oldest bug in Logelloop. I forgot to implement the NextLoopDirect listener for the keyboard and this probably happened between 2002 and 2005, while Logelloop still was in alpha. I fixed the issue, it should work perfectly in the next release or beta version. Concerning the NextLoopDirect macro command, it’s a bit weird as it works here, i made some improvement in this, it may fix something on your computer…

    Undo and Erase have a dedicated wait function named WaitEndEraseOrUndo, I think if you use it in place of the first sleep, everything is OK.

    //****** Begin of the macro *****
    Sleep 30
    // ************ End of the macro *************

    Why don’t you use

    //****** Begin of the macro *****
    // ************ End of the macro *************


    //****** Begin of the macro *****
    // ************ End of the macro *************

    Please use one message for one topic, this will make easier the search on the forum.
    Best regards,

    Olivier DepoixOlivedep

    Thanks for the macros ! And i’m very proud of my price !!!
    And sorry for the grouped topics. The next time, i will do many topics !
    Best regards,


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