Home Forums Logelloop (English spoken) multiple outputs in logelloop

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  • #4663
    Tom WhistonTom Whiston

    I’m trying to configure logelloop so that some of the fx channels are routed to outputs 3/4 & 5/6, so I can use them with outboard fx processors. However, when I configure logelloop like this those fx channels I don’t see any signal from my soundcard. Is there somewhere else that I need to add some configuration for this other than the outputs tab of the project settings? I know the channel is outputting sound as I can hear it when I configure it to use outputs 1&2. Other DAW’s “just seem to work” when I assign anything to outputs 3/4 or 5/6 so I’m pretty sure it is not the card itself or the hardware configuration.


    yes ti should work. Sometimes, you will need to restart Logelloop after adding some new fx channels. Is it the case here?
    If not, please, contact me personally to look at it via skype or TeamViewer.
    Thanks, Philippe

    Tom WhistonTom Whiston

    I restarted my computer to try to make sure everything was working properly but sadly no luck. I did note though that if I turn the Master output to 3 and 4 then my fx channel routings can be heard, but when the masters are changed back to 1 and 2 then output stops again. Does that provide any clues? If not I’ll get in touch and we can have a call, thank you very much for the offer!


    Tom, I am interested to see what happens on your computer.
    I send my skype contact off list.

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for the Skype/TW connection we had today.
    I saw that you use Logelloop in Stereo mode. And the behavior is a bit different with Logelloop in stereo and it appears that fx5 to fx8 don’t work for multi-output. I am very sorry for this inconvenience. I will fix it ASAP. In the meantime, the workaround is either to use Logelloop in mono or to use fx1 to fx4 for multi-output (ear monitor for example) and fx5-fx8 for normal main output.

    By the way, as Looper is natively stereo, when you load it in an fx, it works in stereo. So using Logelloop in stereo is only necessary if you want to use the main looper in stereo. Just in case…

    Best regards,

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