After the Logelloop 5 release, the beta test is still open to people using Mac or Windows as we want to continue the development and to add some new useful features. So, feel free to join!

To participate in this beta test, you must :

– be Mac or Windows user (see below minimum configurations)

– have a professional sound card

– Have a pedal or controller Midi or OSC.

– have already used a looper (hardware or software)

– have the necessary time to test the different versions and make good or bad returns.

– make a commitment to remain discreet and not to noise the affair

Your privileges :

• The chance to use Logelloop 5 before everyone

• The chance to directly influence what’s new in Logelloop 5

• The chance to enjoy features you’ve been dreaming about for a long time

Logelloop 5 is completely independent of Logelloop 4 and that you will be able to use both versions in parallel without the risk of disrupting your current projects.

To submit your application for this test program, please fill out the following form :

Thank you on behalf of the Logelloop development team : Philippe Ollivier, Christophe Baratay, Pierre Fleurence

Configuration for Logelloop 5.0 :

Microsoft Windows computer :

– Windows 10 64-bit

– Optimization of the system for audio performances (recommendations will be given later

– Not supported in a virtual machine, a container, a docker, a Wine, a WineHQ

– The account must be administrator, to be able to pass in priority realtime

Apple OSX computer :

– OSX 10.10 in 64 bits and later

– Not supported in a virtual machine

Hardware prerequisites (common OSX and Windows):

– 8 GB RAM minimum, 16 GB recommended

– minimum i5 or i7 processor, 2 hearts / 4 threads minimum, 4 hearts / 8 threads recommended

– SSD recommended for all use of output recorders

– In the case you’re using a laptop, it’s mandatory to connect it to a power source, because it will automatically decreases its performance on battery

The operation in a virtual machine may possibly work, but we will not be able to provide support in case of problems. Since Logelloop is a software that requires real-time operation with low latency, it is incompatible with a virtual machine, in which latency can vary dramatically rapidly.

Participate in the Logelloop 5 Beta test

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