Home Forums Macros Creating a ToggleRecord function using LongPress

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    I want to be able to press a midi button and record would start as soon as the button is pressed but when I release the button the record should stop. In essence a “Record Toggle” function. If someone could show me an example of a macro that would make this possible I would be very grateful! I guess I should somehow use the WaitUserAction function together with LongPress…

    PS. @Philippe I know you sent me an example with the above a few years ago but when I tried it now I didn’t get it to work…

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    In the list of example macros supplied with Logelloop, you’ll find a macro called “Push to record”.
    This macro does what you ask and is actually based on “WaitUserAction”, but with the argument “Relese”.

    The text of the macro is this :

    //************************************** begin *************************
    // Will set the main looper to record

    // wait the midi, mouse or key to be released
    WaitUserAction Release

    // Stop recording
    //*************************************** end **************************



    Ah, it was this easy! Thanks again.

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