Home Forums Logelloop 6 (English spoken) Insert Looper actions NOT started on first beat of next bar with ActionAtNextBar

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    I have a MacBook Air M2 with Logelloop 6. I have the main looper synchronized to the Metronome in “Metronome Master With Link” which succesfully linked to Ableton Live click.
    I am also trying to synchronize an Insert Looper towards the main looper and Metronome. I have “ActionAtNextBar” activated on the Looper. The Record, Mute and AutoFade (the two latter when in Play mode) actions work as expected in regard to sync. What does not work as expected is Mute, AutoFade (and other actions such as modifying pitch/speed) when Loop is in Mute mode. Actions are expected to start on first beat in next bar. Actions do start on first beat every time, but always after a random number of bars. Sometimes 4 bars, sometimes 6 etc. What could be the reason to this?


    I now tried the same actions when Metronome is in “Metronome Master” mode. Here the actions started as expected, i.e. on first beat in next bar. However, the Insert Loopers playhead was always a little off sync, maybe 500 ms (seemed to be a little ahead of the metronome everytime). So there seems to be sync issues connected to the Metronome Mode.

    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    After some investigation, it appears that I made a mistake and forgot to take in account the ‘metronome with link’ case for the modular loopers.
    So, at this time it cannot work…
    I will fix this as fast as possible, and I hope we will release a new version very soon.

    Regarding the second message. I’d say the graphic play head is only there to give an idea (as precise as possible) and here I can’t see that it is unsynced.
    And during the test, the sound seemed to be perfectly synced.

    I will do some more testing tomorrow in better technical conditions and will tell you if the results are different.
    Thanks for the report,
    best regards,


    Thanks for the feedback!
    Since all my audio is routed through Ableton Live this fix with Link Metronome case would be very appreciated!


    Hi Philippe!

    I am now trying the Metronome Master With Link together with Ableton Live with my latest Logelloop 6 version. When I have bpm 120 and record for 4 beats the loop should be 88200 samples long (since I am using 44100 as sample rate) but each time I record (with both Main Looper or Insert Looper) I get different lengths, either some number near 88080 OR some number near 88300. This means the loop will be slightly too short or too long and after a few rounds you can clearly hear it is no longer in sync with beat in Ableton Live. Is the sample length exactly 88200 on your computer? Thanks!

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