Home Forums Macros List of Messages for InsertSendMessage

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    I am trying to control the Insert Loopers in a macro by using the InsertSendMessage function. One of the parameters of this function is the “Message”. I have been searching for some list of Messages that can be sent to the Insert Looper, but I have not found this. Is there such a list?

    One thing I want to do is for example to trigger the “<>” button for reseting/removing the selection of the loop.



    Philippe OllivierPhilippe

    Hi Daniel,
    There is a very cool feature to easily do this !

    1 – Load your insert
    2 – Click the “?” in the insert
    —> the documentation will open.
    3 – Click the “Messages – Controllers – Com…” tab in the documentation page
    —> you will have a look to the list of commands and controllers for this insert
    4 – click a line and copy his content with cmd + c
    5 – in the macro editing page paste this with cmd +

    But, i am sad to say that there is no macro commend for <> in the looper insert… I will had it in Logelloop 5.5

    As a workaround, you may look at the Midi command section in the same page of the documentation and you will see that the Midi command 7 will reset the waveform in/out points… Hoping that will help you.

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