Home Forums Macros Variable in a track name

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  • #4151
    Olivier DepoixOlivedep

    Hi !

    I would like to use, for each track, the function :

    TrackLoop trk1 BeginAt $begin$ EndAt $end$

    Can we use a variable, for example $num$ which would take the values from 1 to 10, to designate the track? (for example trk$num$).

    Thank you!



    Hi Olivier,
    Yes, this is possible since Logelloop 5.0.20.

    Below is an example of macro which set the level of each track to a random value between -50 and -20.
    We use $track_id$ to set the track number and the syntax is trk[$track_id$].
    Of course you can use any declared variable name…
    Note that it is also possible to use this with fx, in and out.

    //************************* Macro begin **********************************************
    Declare int $track_id$ = 1
    Declare Once float $min_vol$ = -50
    Declare Once float $max_vol$ = -20
    Declare float $value$ = 0.

    $value$ = {randomScaleInt($min_vol$,$max_vol$)}
    During 4500 Reach $value$ TrackVolume trk[$track_id$]
    Sleep 50

    Set $track_id$ = { ($track_id$==10) ? 1 : ($track_id$ + 1) }
    While true
    //************************* Macro end **********************************************

    Olivier DepoixOlivedep

    Thank you Philippe ! Very nice macro !

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