Forum Replies Created
Philippe OllivierKeymaster
Bonjour Olivier,
Je ne sais pas trop, je crois que rien n’a été fait en ce sens.
Je vais regarder si je peux ajouter, ça sera probablement un ajout pour un fonctionnement dans Logelloop 5, ça n’arrivera donc pas en urgence…
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymaster“Now a new macro question. I made macro to record the next loop with one click. Then I realized I could use multiple and it would record if the next loop is empty, which is the main thing I wanted to do But I also want to go to the next loop and start multiply on a new track right away. But it does not, it waits until the loop plays once then starts the multiple. This is the macro:
//**** macro begin ****
//**** macro end ****
It does the same thing with or without the WaitNextLoop, so how can I get it to multiply when the next loop starts?”—> Sound in A
—> Sound in BIf A is playing.
//**** macro begin ****
//**** macro end ****—> Multiplication on B and the end of Loop A.
If you want an immediate Multiplication on B. Put Two NextLoop as if 2 click on the footboard for immediate NextLoop.
//**** macro begin ****
//**** macro end ****Is it what you need?
Please next time : one question in one thread and a new thread for a new question on a different topic. Thanks in advance.
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymaster“related to this as well, it would be more useful if the last track recorded or overdubbed is the selected track. It seems like it is just track 1 unless you change it.”
—> This is not possible and will not in the near future… Sorry.
Philippe OllivierKeymaster“But this takes me to the next related question. The Midi volume is master, all tracks or a specific track. How can i use a volume peddle on just the selected track?”
1 – Connect the midi volume pedal to Midi/Variables for macro $midiv_cc1$
2 – make this macro ://**************** Volume to Selected Track ***************
TrackVolume trk_sel = {scale($midiv_cc1$, 0, 127, -76, 0)}
Sleep 50
While true
//**************** End ***************3 – Launch the macro, change the value of $midiv_cc1$ with the pedal.
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi ,
“This was helpful, but after some reflection, muting is only one thing I want to do when selecting a track, so what I really need is a increment or decrement selected track macro. Then I can mute or do a Volume on a track or anything really.”I am not sure I understand the question, but if yes, make those two macros :
//**************** SelectNextTrack ***************
VarLoopTrack trk_x {$current_selected_track$ + 1}
SelectTrack @ trk_x
//**************** SelectNextTrack End ***************//**************** SelectPreviousTrack ***************
VarLoopTrack trk_x {$current_selected_track$ – 1}
SelectTrack @ trk_x
//**************** SelectPreviousTrack End ***************Put each one in a slot.
Set a midi note of your footboard to launch each macro.
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
You can’t overwrite the default settings.But you can make a preset called, for example, “My default preset”
Then you can write a macro to load like this one ://********************* macro begin ****************
PresetRecall “My default preset” WaitUntilLoaded
Sleep 200LoopB
PresetRecall “My default preset” WaitUntilLoaded
Sleep 200LoopC
PresetRecall “My default preset” WaitUntilLoaded
Sleep 200LoopA
MessageMain “Logelloop is ready!”//********************* macro end ****************
Put the macro in a slot.
Launch the macro.
Your default preset is now loaded in the three loops.Hope this help.
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
This is a weird issue. I add it to the list and will look at it as soon as possible.
If this issue needs a fix, it will be in Logelloop 5
Thanks for the report,
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterSalut Ingrid,
Granulostrech n’est pas un effet générique de Logelloop. Plusieurs versions ont circulées sous le manteau et je ne sais pas laquelle tu utilises. Mais ce que je peux dire, c’est qu’il faut enregistrer une boucle dans un baby looper et cette boucle appariera dans la liste qui se cache dans le menu “Buffers list”. Dès lors que tu la choisis, la boucle est disponible dans Granulostretch… Pas vraiment intuitif, mais Granulostretch n’est pas vraiment officiel… Peut-être un jour…
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
That’s a good question! This is on our to do list. Don’t expect it for the first Logelloop 5 release, but probably a bit later…
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterSalut,
Undeclare est corrigé dans Logelloop 5.Tu peux utiliser un redeclare avant un declare.
Mais, note que dans Logelloop 5 on a dû changer le mode de déclaration des variables et qu’il faudra les déclarer dans chaque macro qui les utilisera.Donc, personnellement, je mettrai un redeclare en début de macro qui a besoin de la variable plutôt que dans un init…
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
To route audio input to audio output, you can use the monitoring system.
I think this is explained in the manual.To set up the monitoring : set the output for Monitoring in the audio output panel, in the Input Window, move up the monitor fader (most left fader in the Input Window), then, you will hear the audio input in your output (but with some latency, regarding your audio settings).
To use a VST instrument in an input : create a stereo input in the input settings panel. add one insert slot in this input (in insert preferences panel), then, in Logelloop, load a VST in the input. In the VST insert, load your instrument. Then, you can route a midi device to this insert (midi preference panel).
Hope, that will help,
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterSalut Christophe,
Je confirme le pb de compilation de Undeclare.
Nous allons corriger cela dans Logelloop 5.Personnellement, j’utiliserai plutôt ReDeclare dans ce cas là, car dans tous les cas, tu auras besoin d’avoir des variables déclarées avant de commencer le concert non?
Undeclare me semble vraiment utile pour du débogage de macros.
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
After some more work on this case, I can also say that you can do it with only one macro and the track selection system. And the macro will only need one line :TrackMute trk_sel {(valueOfReactionNamed(“TrackMute_trk” + $current_selected_track$) == 0) ? 1 : 0 }
This track takes the current state of the selected track and reverse to the other value… If the track mute state is 1 (muted), it put it at 0 (unmuted), and so on…
OK, that’s not direct, you first need to select the track and then push the macro button.
—> It’s possible to select a track with a Midi command…Philippe
Philippe OllivierKeymasterHi Ploughman,
We will add some more macro examples of Logelloop 5.The issue in your macro is that the track is selected only when you first launch the macro.
There is no track selection after the WaitUserAction, that’s the issue.Your macro should contain :
SelectTrack @ trk1
TrackMute trk_sel OFFYour Macro could also be like this :
//***************** Begin ************
//***************** Mute or unMute the selected track ************
DeclareOnce int $trk1_muted$ = 0SelectTrack @ trk1
If {$trk1_muted$ == 0}
TrackMute trk_sel ON
Set $trk1_muted$ = 1
EndIfIf {$trk1_muted$ == 1}
TrackMute trk_sel OFF
Set $trk1_muted$ = 0
//***************** End ************Or even, with the possibility to know the current state of the mute button :
//***************** Begin ************
//***************** Mute or unMute the selected track ************
SelectTrack @ trk1If {valueOfReactionNamed(“TrackMute_trk1”) == 0}
TrackMute trk_sel ON
TrackMute trk_sel OFF
//***************** End ************There is an example of the use of valueOfReactionNamed in the macro “Track Settings Copy And Paste”.
Hope this help!
Thank you,
PhilippePhilippe OllivierKeymasterhi,
Yes, please go to project configuration/Midi/Control inserts/By note
there, you can select the track (fx1), the rank (1, for example), the command (1 == record on A in the blooper, 2 record on B in the blooper, 3 == start stop playing on A, etc (please see the user manual)), and the midi note…Tell me if you need more information.
Thank you,
Philippe -